Thanks for taking time out of your day to stop by my personal website.
I'm Daniel, an accessibility professional with experience in accessibility testing, user research and training delivery. I'm currently working at a UK university designing and delivering their digital accessibility training programme. My role sees me regularly collaborating with academic and professional services staff. I'm building my portfolio site dedicated to my professional activities.
I have a Batchelor's degree in games design, a Postgraduate diploma in Human-Computer Interaction, and most recently a professional diplima in Learning Design. I thoroughly enjoy learning new things, and there is always so much to learn.
I've always been fascinated by technology and I love to tinker. Back in the day, I cobbled together websites in Notepad😎 I'm comfortable with vanilla HTML, CSS, JavaScript and WAI-ARIA. I've also dabbled with PHP and Python. The gap in my front end skills is mainly modern tooling, CSS preprocessors and JavaScript frameworks, though I have dabbled with Eleventy, Hugo and VueJS. I'm still not comfortable with Git though😅
My experience of the social web started with Bolt.com in the early noughties, followed by my first blog on Blogger, and later Wordpress. However, at some point I stopped writing, my attention taken by popular social media. Even now I rarely post anything on my own timelines, my online interactions being limited to likes and replies. I'm trying to get back to a simpler experience with the web and have been delighted to discover the Indie Web movement.
I'm an amateur genealogist and enjoy discovering more about my family history. I'm currently trying to revisit my research by telling stories about my ancestors and get a family history blog up and running.
When i'm not on the computer, I really enjoy hiking. I previously completed several 100km Ultra Challenges between London, Cambridge, Brighton and the South Coast. Now though I enjoy hiking for fun. In 2023 my friend and I completed the London Outer Orbital Pathway - a green belt around London - a 150-mile trek that kept us occupied all year.
I also have an allotment five minutes from my house that I enjoy pottering away at. I love a bit of DIY and being outdoors, so it's a nice escape. I grow mainly common vegetables like garlic, potatoes, peppers, leeks and onions. I haven't had much success with salad vegetables, but in 2023 I had a good yield of sweetcorn.
In 2024, i'm putting intentional focus on creativity. I've been developing my skills in digital illustration and before the end of the year hope to move towards animation.
That about sums me up at the moment!